Ordnen nach:  
  • Arnold, E.N. (1983) -  Osteology, genitalia and the relationships of Acanthodactylus (Reptilia: Lacerrtidae). -  Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 44 (5): 291-339.  

  • Beddek, M. (2017) -  Déficit de connaissances de la biodiversité et biologie de la conservation: Le cas de l’herpétofaune d’Algérie.  -  Thesis. Université de Montpellier. 188 pp     

  • Blanc, F. & Cariou, M.-L. (1987) -  Geographical variability of allozyme variation and genetic divergence between Tunisian lizards of the sand-dwelling lacertid genus Acanthodactylus. -  Genetica, The Hague, 72 (1): 13-25.  

  • Bogaerts, S. & Pasmans, F. & Barosso, D.D. (2002) -  Über einige Lacertiden aus Marokko und Tunesien. -  Die Eidechse, Bonn, 13 (3): 77-84.   

  • Brito, J.C. & Rebelo, H. & Crochet, P.-A. & Geniez, P. (2008) -  Data on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles from North and West Africa, with emphasis on Acanthodactylus lizards and the Sahara Desert. -  Herpetological Bulletin, 105: 19-27.  

  • Camarasa, S. & Ferrer, J. & Ait Hammou, M. & Dahmani, W. & Maatoug, M. & Sanuy, D. & Dellal, A. (2015) -  Étude de l´herpétofaune de la région de Tiaret et zones avoisinantes. -  Revue Ecologie-Environnement (11) : 1-12.     

  • Chirio, L. & Blanc, C.P. (1997) -  Analyse biogeographique du peuplement Reptilien de l’Aures (Algerie). -  Biogeographica, 73 (1): 13-22.    

  • Corti, C. & Ben Haj, S. & Nouira, S. & Ouni, R. & Rivière, V. & Delaugerre, M.-J. & Lo Cascio, P. (2022) -  The herpetofauna of the Tunisian Islands. -  Naturalista sicil., S. IV, XLVI (1): 117-124.     

  • Dahmana, A. & Azegah, A. & Ghilas, R. & Peyre, O. & Moali, A. (2006) -  Etude de l’herpétofaune dans la basse vallée de la Soummam (Algérie).  -  Actes des Rencontres Méditerranéennes d’Ecologie, Béjaia 7-9: 10 pp.     

  • Er-Rguibi, O. & Bursey, C.R. & Laghzaoui, E.-M. & Aglagane, A. & Kimdil, L. & Abbad, A. & El Mouden, E.H. (2022) -  New host and locality records of helminths’ infection of seven lizards from Morocco. -  Parasitology Research, 121: 2537-2546.   

  • Escoriza, D. (2018) -  Patterns of alpha diversity among Tunisian lizards (Lacertidae) -  Journal of Arid Environments, 151: 23-30.  

  • Fonseca, M.M. & Brito, J.C. & Rebelo, H. & Kalboussi, M. & Larfbes, S. & Carretero, M.A. & Harris, D.J. (2008) -  Genetic variation among spiny-footed lizards in the Acanthodactylus pardalis group from North Africa. -  African Zoology, Cape Town, South Africa, 43 (1): 8-15.    

  • Gray, J.E. (1838) -  Catalogue of the slender-tongued saurians, with descriptions of many new genera and species. Part 1. -  Annals of natural history, (1) 1: 274-283.  

  • Gray, J.E. (1838) -  Description of Acanthodactylus maculatus. -  In: “Catalogue of the slender-tongued saurians, with descriptions of many new genera and species. Part 1.” - The Annals and magazine of natural history, (1): 274-283.   

  • Großhans, R. (2017) -  Bibliografie der Familie Lacertidae. Band 4: Acanthodactylus WIEGMANN, 1834 - Fransenfingereidechsen. -  Verlag epubli. 112 pp.  

  • Harris, D.J. & Arnold, E.N. (2000) -  Elucidation of the relationships of spiny-footed lizards, Acanthodactylus spp. (Reptilia: Lacertidae) using mitochondrial DNA sequence, with comments on their biogeography and evolution. -  Journal of Zoology, London, 252 (3): 351-362.    

  • Harris, D.J. & Carretero, M.A. & Brito, J.C. & Kaliotzopoulou, A. & Pinho, C. & Perera, A. & Vasconcelos, R. & Barata, M. & Barbosa, D. & Carvalho, S. & Fonseca, M.M. & Perez-Lanuza, G. & Rato, C. (2008) -  Data on the distribution of the terrestrial herpetofauna of Morocco: records from 2001-2006. -  Herpetological Bulletin, 103: 19-28.  

  • Joger, U. & Geniez, P. & Miras, J.A.M. & El Hassan, M. & Tahar, S. & Nouira, S. (2006) -  Acanthodactylus maculatus. -  The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2006: e.T61458A12471327. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2006.RLTS.T61458A12471327.en .  

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  • Lewin, A. & Feldman, A. & Bauer, A.M. & Belmaker, J. & Broadley, D.G. & Chirio, L. & Itescu, Y. & LeBreton, M. & Maza, E. & Meirte, D. & Nagy, Z.T. & Novosolov, M. & Roll, U. & Tallowin, O. & Trape, J.-F. & Vidan, E. & Meiri, S. (2016) -  Patterns of species richness, endemism and environmental gradients of African reptiles. -  Journal of Biogeography, 43 (12): 2380-2390.    

  • Meiri, S. (2008) -  Evolution and ecology of lizard body sizes. -  Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17 (6): 724-734.    

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  • Moritz, S: & Schilling, N. (2013) -  Fiber-type composition in the perivertebral musculature of lizards: Implications for the evolution of the diapsid muscles. -  Journal of Morphology, 274 (3): 294-306.  

  • Mouane, A. (2020) -  Contribution à l`étude de l`écologie de l`herpétofaune du Sahara septentrional Est.  -  PhD thesis; Université Mohamed Khider –Biskra, Algeria: 172 pp   

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  • Nouira, S. & Blanc, C.P. (1999) -  Description d’une nouvelle espece d’acanthodactyle de Tunisie: Acanthodactylus mechriguensis. -  Atti Mem. Ente Fauna Siciliana, 5 (1997-1998): 103-110.    

  • Nouira, S. & Blanc, C.P. (2000) -  Interet des lacertides (Sauria, Reptilia) pour le decoupage zoogeographique de la Tunisie. -  Biogeographica, 76 (4): 161-172.    

  • Nouira, S. & Blanc, C.P. (2003) -  Distribution spatiale des Lacertides (Sauria, Reptilia) en Tunisie; caractéristiques des biotopes et rôle des facteurs écologiques - Geographic distribution of Lacertids (Sauria, Reptilia) in Tunisia; Biotope characteristics and influence of ecological factors. -  Ecologia mediterranea, 29 (1): 71-86.    

  • Nouira, S. & Blanc, C.P. (2004) -  Organisation spatiale et modalités de mise en place du peuplement des Lacertidés (Sauria, Reptilia) en Tunisie. -  Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr. 110: 5-34.     

  • Nouira, S. & Blanc, C.P. & Crochet, P.-A. & Frétey, T. & Geniez, P. & Ineich, I. & Massary, J.-C. de & Ohler, A. & Tlili, W. & Lescure, J. (2022) -  Nouvelle liste taxinomique de l’herpétofaune de Tunisie [New taxonomic checklist of the herpetofauna in Tunisia]. -  Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr., 180: 5-26.     

  • Observatoire National de l’Environment du Maroc “O.N.E.M” (1998) -  Amphabiens et Reptiles. -  Etude Nationale sur la Biodiversité. Projet GEF /6105-92. 112 pp.  

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  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Font, E. (2016) -  The evolution of colour pattern complexity: selection for conspicuousness favours contrasting within-body colour combinations in lizards -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29 (5): 942-951.    

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