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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
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Sciberras, A. & Sciberras, J. (2024) - Updates on the natural history of Cheirolophus Rock (Maltese Archipelago) with a description of its lacertid. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2024 [2]: 9-16.
The islet’s recent discovery by the authors hold quite a rich biota compared to its size. In this work topography is re- described adding one species of flora to the already known six (SCIBERRAS & SCIBERRAS 2010, SCIBERRAS et al. 2012) and 32 new species of fauna to the two recorded (LO CASCIO & SCIBERRAS 2020, AGUIS & SCIBERRAS 2022) with a complete description of the endemic lacertid, Podarcis filfolensis, in situ.
Haddad, K. & Nemouchi, H. & Benguedouar, B. (2024) - Second documented observation of the Sahara Orangetail Grass Lizard Philochortus zolii (SCORTECCI, 1934) in Algeria and its new distribution in Africa. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2024 [1]: 1-8.
An adult lacertid lizard of approximately 25 cm total length, with a long brownish red tail climbing on a tree trunk was observed on July 23, 2023 in the municipality of Tagmart-East, in the wilaya of Tamanrasset, Algeria. The observation was published on the iNaturalist platform and led to the determination of Philochortus zolii. The observed climbing behavior seems to be typical for Philochortus zolii. It is the second observation of the species for Algeria.
Medina, F.M. (2022) - New report on heterospecific coprophagy in the Canary Islands lizard, Gallotia galloti palmae. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2022 [1]: 1–3.
Mamin, A. & C. Rodriguez (2021) - Heterospecific coprophagy within the genus Gallotia. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2021 [5]: 69–73.
Gallotia is an endemic genus of Lacertidae from the Canary Islands. This genus is known to be omnivorous. It displays an opportunistic feeding behaviour and feeds on a wide variety of food with an important part made of plant matters, including stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Its diet includes arthropods, other lizards, various animal carrions and even human leftover food too. Two species among the genus Gallotia have been reported to practice coprophagy. Here, the authors share personal observations of this behaviour in three other species of the same genus.
Deichsel, G. & A. Mangold (2021) - Video documentation of an observation of intra-specific communication in Lacerta bilineata DAUDIN, 1802. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2021 [4]: 63–68.
Mamin, A. & A. Le Bail (2021) - Evidence of active hunting on a common mouse, Mus musculus, by Gallotia stehlini. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2021 [1]: 1–4.
Gallotia stehlini is an endemic lizard of Lacertidae from Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands. This lizard is omnivorous with a large range of food. As omnivorous lizards, it is commonly admitted that G. stehlini is more herbivorous than carnivorous, with very few data about active hunting on other animals than lizards and arthropods. Here we share what we think is the first record of active hunting on an adult rodent (Mus musculus) by Gallotia stehlini in the wild.
Oberhofer, S. (2019) - Feldbeobachtungen an einer allochthonen Population der Ruineneidechse (Podarcis siculus campestris) in der Schweiz. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2020 [4]: 42–45.
A short note on an allochthonous population of Podarcis siculus campestris living on the railway area of the train station Rapperswil in the Swiss Canton of St. Gallen.
Berg, M.P. van den (2020) - Could this be the first live image of Ichnotropis microlepidota? - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2020 [2]: 14-18.
On October 16, 2019 an image of Ichnotropis bivittata, taken on May 12, 2018 in Cassongue county, Cuanza Sul province, Angola, was uploaded on iNaturalist by Rogério Ferreira for determination. This specimen may have some features of Ichnotropis microlepidota, in which case it would be the first time that this species has been observed since the species description by Marx (1956).
Berg, M.P. van den (2019) - First impression of the redesigned Belvédère area in Maastricht, home of the northernmost autochthonous population of Podarcis muralis. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2019 [6]: 36-53.
A report is made of a visit to the Belvédère area in Maastricht on Saturday the 21st of September 2019. This is shortly after the completion of major changes in this area, which is also the location of the northernmost native population of Podarcis muralis.
Börner, A.-R. (2019) - Über die Korridor-Ausbreitung einer Mauereidechsenpopulation im nördlichen Taunus. - L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen online), 2019 [3]: 10-17.
The 2015 strip clearing of forest in a width of 50 m along a south-bound hill enabled the population of the domestic wall lizard (Podarcis muralis brongniardii), which was isolated in a former quarry due to a spreading of forest, to regain by 2019 the full length of 1.2 km of the clearing. Progress was measured by determining the most distant resident male. This example is important for the connection of stepstone habitats via corridors.
Arets, M.H.M. (2017) - Europäische Perleidechsen: Arten und Unterarten der Gattung Timon. - L@CERTIDAE, 2017 [6]: 168-182.
The genus Timon currently comprises six species and is distributed in Europe, Asia and North Africa. The two European species are Timon nevadensis in south-eastern Spain and Timon lepidus in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula and parts of southern France (as well as an adjacent small area in Italy). There seems to be some intergrading between those two species. Two subspecies are recognized beside the nominate form Timon lepidus lepidus: Timon lepidus ibericus in north-eastern Iberia and Timon lepidus oteroi on Illa de Sálvora. Molecular research showed recently that five different lineages can be distinguished in Timon lepidus (MIRALDO et al. 2011). The various lineages differ to some extent in colour and pattern. Recently, PEEK (2011, 2017) reported a small-bodied form of T. lepidus from the north side of the Sierra de Gredos. Moreover there are two North African species of this genus, Timon pater and Timon tangitanus. Timon princeps and T. kurdistanicus inhabit regions in Asia, the former is found in Iran and the latter in Turkey, Iran and Iraq.
Berg, M.P. van den (2017) - An annotated bibliographic history of Ichnotropis PETERS, 1854 (Reptilia, Lacertidae) with remarks on the validity of some of the including species. - L@CERTIDAE, 2017 [4]: 60-138.
Today Ichnotropis is still a poorly understood genus. This is an attempt to initialize some change herein, by providing an extensive bibliographic history of the genus, together with some remarks on the described taxa. Necessary future research is suggested.
Börner, A.-R. (2017) - Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zu den Smaragdeidechsen am Nordrand ihrer Verbreitung: Lacerta bilineata im oberen Mittelrheintal und im Rheingau - L@CERTIDAE, 2017 [3]: 40-59.
The emerald lizard reaches the northern limit of its distribution in the upper Middle Rhine Valley and has stringent, narrow requirements for its habitat. In the last years, habitats, populations, and the number of individuals have been in decline, mainly because of eutrophy and suboptimal grazing in the protected areas as well as an increasing civilization pressure (including domestic cats, tourists, and presumably poachers), less by the rationalized viticulture. The mere protection of the few remaining habitats is not sufficient. It is necessary to restore the historical habitats and to release captive-bred specimens there. A special initiative for the protection of the green lizards in the upper Middle Rhine Valley is required.
Peek, R. (2017) - Identification and characterization of a small sized morph of ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus DAUDIN, 1802) from central Spain. - L@CERTIDAE, 2017 [1]: 1-12.
This report describes the discovery and detailed description of a new small sized morph of ocellated lizard from the northern slopes of the Sierra de Gredos (Castilla y Leon, Spain). Morphological and molecular analysis showed that this new morph is different from the common species of ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus) on the Iberian peninsula in body size, sexual size dimorphism and cytochrome b haplotype. DNA sequencing revealed a unique and highly divergent cytochrome b haplotype indicating a long-term separation from other species of ocellated lizards. Evolutionary mechanisms that may have contributed to the formation of the small sized morph are discussed. The results presented in this paper suggest that this new morph is likely to be recognized as a full species in the near future.
Nettmann, H.K. (2016) - Sammeln im Netz: Neues zur Verbreitung der Smaragdeidechsen. - L@CERTIDAE, 2016[1]: 1–9.
The use of pictures from the internet as data source for more better distribution maps is demonstrated. Based on pictures within the database and using the only known field character “greenish throat colour in hatchlings” first records of Lacerta bilineata in Carintia (Austria) can be stated. And it is shown, that this character is obviously also useful to distinguish the L. bilineata of the “West Balkan clade” (W. Böhme et al. 2007) and L. viridis in the lowlands of Thessalia (Greece). These findings should motivate intensified field herping activities and in case of green lizards more pictures of hatchlings instead of large blue throated males.
Deichsel, G. & Schulte, U. & Beninde, J. (2015) - Phenotypes of Hybrids of Alien and Native Common Wall Lizards Podarcis muralis from Mannheim, Germany. - L@CERTIDAE, 2015 [7]: 144–159.
With this series of images we want to demonstrate the diversity of hybrids of the Common Wall Lizard, stressing that an assessment of the hybrid statuses of Wall Lizards based on phenotypic characteristics alone is difficult and often only possible in a speculative way.
Deichsel, G. & Schulte, U. & Beninde, J. (2015) - Phänotypen von Hybriden allochthoner und autochthoner Mauereidechsen Podarcis muralis aus Mannheim. - L@CERTIDAE, 2015 [6]: 128–143.
Mit dieser Bildserie wollen wir die Diversität von Hybriden der Mauereidechse veranschaulichen und deutlich machen, dass die Beurteilung der Hybridstatus von Mauereidechsen aufgrund phänotypischer Merkmale allein schwierig und oft nur spekulativ möglich ist.
Börner, A.-R. (2015) - Eidechsen im unteren Lahn- und oberen Mittelrheintal - L@CERTIDAE, 2015 [3]: 23–55
The area on the right bank of the Middle Rhine with the Lahn as the main tributary and the Rheingau is a German area rich in reptiles. 50 years of own observations in the area are summarized. The slowworm is widely distributed, while the common lizard is found on the heights and the sand lizard mostly in the valleys. The wall lizard is found in the valleys of the Middle Rhine and the Lahn up to the Limburg basin as well as in the Rheingau; it is not restricted to boulders and walls and has some dense populations which show a great variety. The Western emerald lizard is found only in a few places of the upper Middle Rhine valley; short-time concentrations, as can be observed in crows, lead to false conclusions about the population density. The protection of habitats and the exclusion of house cats and crows are absolutely essential for the conservation of this endangered lizard diversity.
Dehghani, A. & Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Mahdi Banan-Khojasteh, S. & Mohammadpour, A. (2014) - Some remarks on Darevskia raddei raddei (BOETTGER, 1892) (Sauria:Lacertidae) habitat loss in Arasbaran, East Azerbaijan, Iran. - L@CERTIDAE, 2014 [2]: 11-16.
In this article we present the effects of waste water of the Sungun copper mine on Darevskia raddei habitat in the Arasbaran protected region, a UNESCO registered biosphere reserve since 1976, and appeal to the Department of Environment of East Azarbaijan province to more consideration on control and precautions regarding the water waste of the Sungun mine.
Sciberras, J. & Sciberras, A. (2014) - Behavior of lizards in the Maltese and Pelagian islands: a personal experience. - L@CERTIDAE, 2014 [1]: 1-10.
Different behavior in populations of Podarcis filflolensis on the Maltese and Pelagian islands are described and discussed.
Yousefi, M. & Khani, A. & Eslahi, H. & Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. (2013) - Easternmost record of Darevskia defilippii (Camerano, 1877) from Qarchaqe Protected Area, Kopet Dagh Mountains, northeastern Iran. - L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [9]: 160-163.
During field survey on September 2009 in the northern part of Khorasan Razavi province, inside the Qarchaqe Protected Area, near Bajgiran city, one adult specimen of Darevskia defilippii was found and recorded as easternmost record. (for Iran and globally).
Mayer, W. (2013) - Kommentierte Lacertiden-Liste für Europa, Afrika, den Nahen Osten inklusive der Arabischen Halbinsel und Asien - L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [7]: 81-141.
A commented lacertids list for Europe, Africa, the Middle East, including the Arabian Peninsula and Asia is given.
Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. & Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. & Arab, M. (2013) - A contribution to the knowledge of Darevskia steineri (Eiselt, 1995) habitat at Loveh Waterfall, Northeastern Iran. - L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [6]: 77-80.
During fieldwork on 15 August 2011 in Golestan province, several specimens of Darevskia steineri (Eiselt, 1995) were found at midday in the vicinity of the Loveh Waterfall. The locality of Darevskia steineri is limited to the area around the Loveh waterfall. During this survey, no specimens of D. steineri could be found in other parts near to the waterfall, but some reptiles such as Darevskia chlorogaster and Gloydius halys were found as sympatric with D. steineri. The unique habitat of D. steineri is now at the risk of destruction due to human activities as well as tourism effects. In addition, the habitat is affected by a gas pipeline that runs through the area west to the province of Semnan.
Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. & Rastegar Pouyani, E. (2013) - Easternmost locality of Eremias lalezharica MORAVEC, 1994 with description of habitat details, in Kerman province, Iran. - L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [4]: 21-24.
Eremias lalezharica MORAVEC, 1994 was until recently known only from its terra typica near Lalehzar village in the Lalehzar Mountains, in the center of Kerman province, Iran. During a recent survey, a new locality was found for Eremias lalezharica on the road from Jiroft to Darb-e Behesht, in the Babgorgi region, 100 km to the south-east of the terra typica along the Lalehzar Mountains, with coordinates 29º 05’ N and 57º 32’ E, and an elevation of 2890 m (8670 ft). This new locality is also mountainous with relatively rich vegetation.
Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. (2013) - Severe conditions on Eremias intermedia (STRAUCH, 1876) and Eremias lineolata (NIKOLSKY, 1896) (Sauria: Lacertidae) in Sarakhs, Northeastern Iran. - L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [3]: 17-20.
Eremias intermedia and Eremias lineolata are two species from the genus Eremias that are found in the Sarakhs region (at the border of Iran and Turkmenistan) (N: 36º 19’ 32.4” ; E: 61º 08’ 35.4”; altitude: 330 m). That particular region has very unfavorable conditions for lizards. Aridity and Human activity (agriculture) affected on their habitat. A water channel was being constructed to carry water to the city and for this reason, machines were employed which destroyed the sand dunes.
Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. & Rastegar-Pouyani, N. (2013) - Most records of Mesalina watsonana (STOLICZKA, 1872) are situated in average elevation on the Iranian Plateau. - L@CERTIDAE, 2013 [1]: 1-6.
Over three years (2009-2012), several habitats of Mesalina watsonana were investigated and recorded with GPS. 100 locations were recorded in four major areas: east and the northeast of Iran, central part of the Iranian Plateau, southern Iran, and the east slopes of the Zagros Mountains in Qom Province. According to this study, the species is mainly concentrated in foothills, and most locations in this study are situated between an altitude of 500-1500 m.
Beobachtungen an einer nektarfressenden Population der Mauereidechse (Podarcis muralis maculiventris) auf der Halbinsel Grado (Italien)© 2015 DOMINIK HAUSER
Die Taxa der Familie Lacertidae – eine kommentierte Liste. The taxa of the family Lacertidae – an annotated list.© 2014 WERNER MAYER
The conservation status and serious threat to Acanthodactylus boskianus (DAUDIN, 1802) (Sauria:Lacertidae) in Harsin, Kermanshah, Iran© 2012 SEYYED SAEED HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHANI et al.
Mating behavior in Darevskia chlorogaster (BOULENGER, 1908) in the north of Iran (Golestan province)© 2012 SEYYED SAEED HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHANI & MOHAMMAD ARAB
Remarks on the Iranolacerta brandtii brandtii (DE FILIPPI, 1863) (Sauria: Lacertidae) habitat from the Varzeghan area, East Azerbaijan province© 2012 SEYYED SAEED HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHANI et al.
Cutting off the Haloxylon shrubs in the vicinity of Gonabad has severe effects on Eremias grammica (LICHTENSTEIN, 1823) habitat in Khorasan, Iran © 2012 SEYYED SAEED HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHANI et al.
Tierkadaver als Habitat und sekundäre Nahrungsquelle der Zauneidechse (Lacerta agilis agilis)© 2012 RALF JAKOB
Freilandbeobachtung einer weiblichen-Zauneidechse (Lacerta agilis)© 2012 JOHNS SCHULZ
Verbreitung, Ökologie und Schutz der Mauereidechse (Podarcis muralis) – Reptil des Jahres 2011 Internationale Fachtagung am 19. und 20. November 2011© 2011 HUBERT LAUFER & MARIA WOLLENZIN (Redaktion)
A concolor morph of Podarcis liolepis liolepis (BOULENGER, 1905) in Barcelona© 2011 MARTEN VAN DEN BERG
Podarcis liolepis liolepis (BOULENGER, 1905) feeding on Lantana camara LINNAEUS, 1753© 2011 MARTEN VAN DEN BERG
Eine Dokumentation des Vorspiels und der Paarungsbisse von Lacerta b. bilineata in der NaturA documentation of the foreplay and mating bites of Lacerta b. bilineata in the wild© 2011 DOROTHEE KLING
Wiederentdeckung der für ausgestorben gehaltenen La Palma-Rieseneidechse (Gallotia auaritae)© 2007 MATHIAS SIEBOLD
Appearance of Podarcis muralis muralis in Czech Republic – Štramberk© 2007 PAVEL ŠMEK
Leucistisches Exemplar von Lacerta agilis argus LAURENTI, 1768Leucistic specimen of Lacerta agilis argus LAURENTI, 1768© 2002 TOMÁŠ MAZUCH