Adolfus masavaensis   WAGNER et al., 2014

Adolfus masavaensis   WAGNER et al., 2014

Ordnen nach:  
  • Anonymous (2014) -  Eine neue Adolfus-Art. -  TERRARIA/elaphe, 5/2014: 68.  

  • Heine, S. (2014) -  Artbildung auf „Himmelsinseln“ - neue Art aus der Familie der Eidechsen in Kenia entdeckt -  

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  • Loveridge, A. (1936) -  Reports on the Scientific results of an expedition to the Rain Forest regions in eastern Africa. -  Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, 79: 207-337.  

  • Wagner, P. & Greenbaum, E. & Malonza, P. & Branch, B. (2014) -  Resolving sky island speciation in populations of East African Adolfus alleni (Sauria, Lacertidae).  -  Salamandra, 50 (1): 1-17.