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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Eremias arguta uzbekistanica CHERNOV, 1934
Ananjeva, N.B. & Doronin, I.V. (2020) -
The scientific biography of the outstanding herpetologist and specialist in zoogeography Sergei Alexandrovich Chernov (1903–1964) was reconstructed on the base the study of archival materials and literature sources. The text is divided into four parts, reflecting the main stages of his biography: 1903–1930 – Kharkiv, the beginning of the scientific career; 1930–1941 – relocation to Leningrad, Tajik-Pamir expedition; 1941–1945 – Great Patriotic War and evacuation; 1945–1964 – period after the Great Patriotic War. In the paper, we emphasize the line of teacher–student continuity begun by A.M. Nikolsky and S.A. Chernov in the herpetology department of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The appendix contains a list of his publications (52 ti- tles), taxa, described by him (11) and named in his honor (6). In majority of his publications, Chernov was the sole author; most of them were published in Russian; only one paper was written in a foreign (German) language. One of the main achievements of Chernov should be recognized a publication of the Guide of amphibians and reptiles of the USSR together with P.V. Terentyev. He made the greatest contribution to the study of the systematics of lizards and snakes, composition, zoogeography, and the history of the formation of the herpetofauna of Central Asia. According to his studies, the fauna of Central and Central Asia are subsidiaries of the once united region, what contradicted the views of his teacher Nikolsky, who developed the concept of M.A. Menzbir about the young postglacial origin of the Aral-Caspian deserts and the ancient, Eocene origin of the deserts of Central Asia.
Ананьева, Н.Б. & Доронин, И.В. (2020) -
На основе изучения архивных материалов и печатных источников реконструирована научная био- графия герпетолога и зооогеографа Сергея Александровича Чернова (1903–1964). Текст разделен на четыре части, отражающие основные этапы его биографии: 1903–1930 гг. – Харьков, начало научного пути; 1930–1941 гг. – переезд в Ленинград, Таджикско-Памирская экспедиция; 1941–1945 гг. – Великая Отечественная война и эвакуация; 1945–1964 гг. – послевоенный период. В тексте мы подчеркиваем продолжающуюся в отделении герпетологии Зоологического института РАН линию преемственно- сти «учитель–ученик», начатую А.М. Никольским и С.А. Черновым. В приложении дается список пу- бликаций ученого (52 наименования), опубликованных в 1926–1971 гг., таксонов, описанных им (11) и названных в его честь (6). В большинстве работ Чернов выступил единственным автором; при жизни на иностранном (немецком) языке была написана только одна работа. Одним из главных достижений Чернова следует признать издание совместно с П.В. Терентьевым определителей амфибий и рептилий СССР. Наибольший вклад он внес в исследование систематики ящериц и змей, состава, зоогеографии и истории формирования герпетофауны Средней Азии. Согласно его исследованиям фауна Средней и Центральной Азии – дочерние участки некогда единой области, что противоречило взглядам его учи- теля Никольского, развившего концепцию М.А. Мензбира о молодом послеледниковом происхождении Арало-Каспийских пустынь и древнем (эоценовом) – пустынь Центральной Азии.
Borkin, L.Ya. & Darevsky, I.S. (1987) -
Боркин Л.Я. & Даревский И.С. (1987) -
Chernov, S.A. (1934) -
Chernov, S.A. (1948) -
Chirikova, M.A. & Kolbinzev, W.G. (2003) -
Morphology and subspecies of Eremias arguta (PALLAS, 1773), in Kazakhstan. The external morphology of Eremias arguta in Kazakhstan was examined. Three metric and ten meristic characters as well as the dorsal pattern of 206 individuals from 13 populations of southern, south-eastern and eastern Kazakhstan were analyzed. Sexual dimorphism was found to occur in relative tail length (fem. > males), number of longitudinal gular scales (fem. < males), and number of femoral pores (fem. < males). Clinal variation exists in the number of dorsals, gulars, femoral pores, and scales between femoral pores. Most of populations studied revealed a pattern of large white spots and transverse dark strips. Some specimens from eastern Kazakhstan are characterized by small white spots and interrupted, somewhat fused dark strips. Most southern populations show elongated white spots and irregular black spots scattered along the dorsum. Subspecies status of the steppe-runners from eastern Kazakhstan is still unclear and needs future clarification. Populations from south-eastern Kazakhstan are closer to E. arguta potanini. Southernmost populations belong to E. a. uzbekistanica.
Davletbakov, A.T. & Kustareva, L.A. & Milko, D.A. & Ostastshenko, A.N. & Sagymbaev, S.S. & Toropov, S.A. & Trotchenko, N.V. (2015) -
The Cadastre of the Genetical Fund is the of cial directory on biodiversity – the annotated check-list of living creatures registered on the territory of the country, re ecting the current state of the biotic inventory. The present volume IV is devoted to the chordates and contains general distributional data about representatives of ve classes of vertebrate animals: ray- nned shes (Actinopterygii), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Reptilia), birds (Aves), and mammals (Mammalia). This volume completes the national faunal inventory (the check-list of all invertebrate animals is presented in volumes II and III). In total, there are listed 602 species (with all local subspecies) represents 325 genera belongs to 119 families. There are also included 14 species doubtfully recorded in Kyrgyzstan, and 36 species names are expunged from faunal list. Each taxon name is supplied with the main synonymy, most accepted Russian, Kyrgyz, and English names. Data on current distribution within Kyrgyzstan and endemicity level are provided for each species (subspecies), as well as main references. The guide book also contains 74 color photographs in the annex. It is destined for experts in ecology, zoologists, specialists and employers of the institutions for the management of the natural resources, nature conservation and biological education.
Guo, X.-G. & Chen, D.-L. & Wan, H.-F. & Wang, Y.-Z. (2010) -
The lacertid genus Eremias Fitzinger in Wiegmann,1834,consists of approximately 36 species of racerunners,distributed throughout the desert and semi-desert regions from northern China,Mongolia,Korea,central and southwest Asia to southeastern Europe.This short review represents the history of taxonomic studies in the genus Eremias,including affirmation of the genus and its species,distribution characteristics,phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography.Traditional taxonomic methods,as well as new approaches(mtDNA analysis) are discussed.Future potential research projects on Eremias are outlined,such as phylogeny,phylogeography and speciation process.
郭宪光 陈达丽 万宏富 王跃招 (2010) -
由于各种原因,麻蜥属的分类仍较混乱。本文对麻蜥属的系统学研究历史做了系统回顾,从属、亚属、种 等各级分类水平叙述了其研究历史,包括属的建立与订正、物种组成、地理分布特征,总结了通过外部形态和分子 等研究手段,在分类、系统发育、生物地理等研究层次上所取得的成果,在此基础上提出需要深入研究麻蜥属的系 统发育、谱系地理和物种形成机制等,包括该属分布格局与青藏高原隆升、天山隆升及中亚荒漠化和第四纪冰期的 关系。
Leviton, A.E. & Anderson, S.C. (2010) -
Orlova, V.F. & Poyarkov, N.A. & Chirikova, M.A. & Dolotovskaya, S.I. (2007) -
Schammakov, S. & Ataev, C. & Rustamov, E.A. (1993) -
The herpetological map presented in this paper shows the distribution and abundance of the reptiles in Turkmenistan. The country is divided into 17 complexes and the 84 species and subspecies found in Turmkmeistan are listed as occurring in mountains, plains, or both.
Shammakov, S. (1981) -
Шаммаков С. (1981) -
Shestopal, A.A. & Rustamov, E.A. (2018) -
The latest changes in the taxonomy of amphibians and reptiles are analyzed in the work, among them, in particular, toads, frogs, tortoises, geckoes, agamas, lacertids, boas and colubrids. A new list is published, which provides information for 100 species and subspecies: 6 species of amphibians and 94 species of reptiles (6 turtles, 58 lizards, 30 snakes). The conservation status of reptiles in Turkmenistan was revised according to the IUCN assessments.
А.А. Шестопал & Э.А. Рустамов (2018) -
Проанализированы результаты современных таксономических ревизий амфи- бий и рептилий, в частности, жаб и лягушек, черепах, агамовых, гекконовых, круглопалых, сицнковых и настоящих ящериц, а также ложноногих и ужеобраз- ных змей. Публикуется новых список видов, включающий в себя информацию о 100 видах и подвидах: 6 видов амфибий и 94 вида рептилий (6 видов черепах, 58 видов ящериц и 30 видов змей). Пересмотрен и установлен природоохранный статус пресмыкающихся Туркменистана в соответствии с критериями МСОП.
Vashetko, E.V. & Chikin, Yu.A. & Khodzhaev, A.F. & Nuridzhanov, A.S. (2003) -
An analysis of literature, reports, collections and the authors` data on the distri- bution of amphibians and reptiles in the Western Tian Shan (Uzbekistan) has been made. The list consists of nineteen reptile and two amphibian species. Distribution maps of the records are presented. Inhabiting in this territory of some more species is expected.
Вашетко Э.В., Чикин Ю.А., Ходжаев А.Ф., Нуриджанов А.С. (2003) -