Spain / Balearic Islands / Mallorca / Illot des Frares.  Former island, now a part of the harbor of Colònia de Sant Jordi.

Evolutionarily significant unit:

Podarcis lilfordi

    Illot des Frares ESU  (BOSCÁ, 1881)


Illót des Frares population   BOSCÁ, 1881

Lacerta lilfordi jordansi   EISENTRAUT, 1930

Podarcis lilfordi jordansi   ZAWADZKI, 2010

Podarcis lilfordi kuligae   ZAWADZKI, 2010

Illot des Frares ESU   PÉREZ-CEMBRANOS et al., 2020


No types assigned.
Possibly 1 juvenile present in ZMB .

Terra Typica:

Illót des Frares (BOSCÁ 1881).

Taxonomic notes:

Whether this population is a mix of the original population, from the time it was still a real island, with recently introduced specimens of Cabrera, or a pure introduced population from Cabrera, has yet to be determined.

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Boscá. E. (1881) -  Sesion del 9 de Febrero de 1881. -  Actas de la Sociedad Española de Historica Natural, 1881: 7-13.  

  • Eisentraut, M. (1930) -  Beitrag zur Eidechsenfauna der Pityusen und Columbreten. -  Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 16: 397-410.  

  • Zawadzki, M. (2010) -  Beobachtungen an einer Population von Podarcis lilfordi (GÜNTHER, 1874) auf der ehemaligen Insel Frailes bei Colónia de Sant Jordi, SW-Mallorca (Spanien, Balearen). -  Die Eidechse, Bonn, 21 (2): 43-52.    

  • Pérez-Cembranos, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Alemany, I. & Bassitta, M. & Terrasa, B. & Picornell, A. & Castro, J.A. & Brown, R.P. & Ramon, C. (2020) -  Morphological and genetic diversity of the Balearic lizard, Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874): Is it relevant to its conservation? -  Diversity and Distributions. https://doi. org/10.1111/ddi.13107     




Illot des Frares ESU  © 2011 Frank Deschandol