Eremias arguta deserti  (GMELIN, 1789)

Eremias arguta deserti  (GMELIN, 1789)

Order by:  
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  • Doronin, I.V. & Doroninа, M.A. (2019) -  On the Distribution of Eremias arguta deserti (Gmelin, 1789) (Reptilia, Lacertidae). -  Current Studies in Herpetology, 19 (3/4): 147-152.  

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  • Gherghel, J. & Strugariu, A. & Galvan T. (2007) -  Eremias arguta deserti (Reptilia: Lacertidae)is not extinct from Romanian Moldavia -  North-Western Journal of Zoology, Oradea, Romania, 3 (2): 115-120.    

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  • Melnikov, D.A. (2011) -  Distribution and geographic variability of Steppe-Runner (Eremias arguata PALLAS, 1773) in the south-European part of Russia. -  Current Studies in Herpetology, Saratov, Russia, 11 (3-4): 157-172.  

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  • Mishustin, S.S. & Polynova, G.V. (2020) -  The Impact of Predation on the Abundance of Steppe Runners, Eremias arguta deserti (Gmelin, 1789), in Semi-Deserts of the Southeastern Part of the Lower Volga Region [in Russ. with Engl. summ.]. -  Proceedings of Kazan University. Natural Sciences Series, 162 (3): 461-472.     

  • Mishustin, S.S. & Polynova, G.V. (2021) -  Sexual dimorphism of the body size of a multicolored lizard in the south-eastern Lower Volga. -  RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety, 29 (2): 155–161.  

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  • Mishustin, S.S. & Polynova, G.V. (2022) -  Variability of body weight (Eremias arguta deserti Gmelin, 1789) and (Phrynocephalus guttatus guttatus Gmelin, 1789) in the southeastern part of the Lower Volga region. -  Journal of Ecology and Life, 30 (2): 189-200.    

  • Orlova, V.F. & Poyarkov, N.A. & Chirikova, M.A. & Dolotovskaya, S.I. (2007) -  Preliminary molecular phylogeography of wide-spread steppe-runner lizard – Eremias arguta (Lacertidae) and considerations on its subspecific structure. -  14th European Congress of Herpetology and SEH Ordinary General Meeting, 19-23 September 2007, Porto, Portugal. p. 263.  

  • Polynova, G.V. & Misgustin, S.S. (2020) -  Changes in the spatial structure of the Eremias arguta deserti population in semi-deserts of the Astrakhan region [in russ. with engl. summ.]. -  Principy èkologii., 2020 (2): 87-96.     

  • Polynova, G.V. & Mishustin, S.S. & Polynova, O.E. (2020) -  Eremias arguta deserti, Lacertidae in Semi-Deserts of the Astrakhan region. -  Zool. Zhurnal, 99 (1): 98-103. (in Russisch)    

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  • Tabachishin, V.G. & Zavialov, E.V. & Tabachishina, I.E. (2006) -  Spatial distribution of Eremias arguta (Pallas, 1773) in north of its Volga habitat. -  Current Studies in Herpetology, Saratov, Russia, 5-6 : 117-124.  

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  • Tuniyev, B.S. & Kukushkin, O.V. (2021) -  Eremias arguta deserti (Gmelin, 1789) -  In: Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, volume `Animals`. 2nd edition. Moscow: FGBU «VNII Ecology»: 449-451.  

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